EV Charging

Plug In With Us!

Join us! Membership is $55/year. (This sustains our important volunteer activities, including printing, shirts, banners, brochures, and website, all of which help us advocate for EVs and cleaner air.) Your $55 gets a membership in EVA (a non-profit educational organization), where a portion comes to our local SOHEVA chapter. Join us at a SOHEVA Meeting: Meeting dates & times are posted on our SOHEVA Calendar.

To join SOHEVA simply sign up for the Electric Vehicle Association. Please specify that you wish to join the Southern Oregon Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Assn (under Northwest).

Contact Us

Questions? Comments?
Contact us here (and sign up for our short monthly emails).

(Note: We do not share your information with anyone else without your explicit permission. You may opt out of our emails at anytime.)